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Yoga and Mindfulness with Justine
Welcome To Yin To The Yang Yoga
Introduction and welcome message from Justine (12:59)
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Frequently asked questions
90 Minutes of yin and yoga nidra themed around finding strength in the depth of each pose (88:57)
Warm Ups
A gentle warm up to connect with your breath, mobilise the body and work your way up to standing ready for any practice of your choice (18:32)
A mobilising warm up focussing on opening, stretching and releasing any tension stored in your hips (22:47)
Morning Yoga
An energising flow with lots of twists and movements to wake up your mind and body (24:30)
A dynamic flow holding each asana for 3 breaths, 2 breaths and then 1 breath (27:37)
Moon Vibes
Full moon workshop (80:11)
A cooling practice of moon salutations to calm the mind and draw your attention inwards (28:08)
Sun Salutations
A sequence of sun salutation A to warm up, stretch and strengthen your muscles (11:34)
A challenging sequence of sun salutation B to boost your endurance and stamina (13:12)
A gentle and calming sequence of seated sun salutations (10:02)
Yoga Flows
Root Chakra 60 minute yoga practice (63:10)
A full yoga practice focussing on mobilising your hips (60:03)
A fun mandala practice using all 4 corners of your mat as we flow in a circle (23:07)
A full yoga practice focussing on releasing tension in your shoulders and back (60:03)
A practice to challenge your balance, improve your concentration and challenge your co-ordination (45:04)
A full yoga class focussing on twisting to aid detoxing and improve your posture (65:37)
A beautiful heart opening yoga practice to help cultivate self love (61:54)
Yoga to relieve discomfort caused by stomach cramps (21:25)
Yoga Strengthening Drills
A strengthening flow to fire up your core muscles (21:20)
A challenging flow to strengthen your shoulders (25:54)
Yin Yoga
90 Minutes of yin and yoga nidra themed around grounding (89:26)
90 minutes of yin and yoga nidra themed around stillness and silence (88:53)
60 minutes of yin yoga themed around finding a sense of calm (61:43)
60 minutes of yin yoga holding each pose for 2 minutes - the perfect intro to yin yoga (36:36)
Ashtanga Primary Series
The standing sequence of the Ashtanga Primary Series (37:58)
The seated sequence of the Ashtanga Primary Series (35:28)
The finishing sequence of the Ashtanga Primary Series (17:48)
Evening Wind Down
A gentle practice to unwind, ground yourself and calm down your mind (17:36)
If you only came here for the savasana.... this one is for you! (17:03)
Cool down holding each stretch for 45 seconds to aid recovery after exercising (16:58)
Meditations To Align Your Chakras
Bring attention and become aware of the purpose of each of the 7 chakras (55:55)
Root Chakra: ground and centre yourself (40:05)
Sacral Chakra: manifest creative energy to enrich your life (43:59)
Solar Plexus Chakra: honour and respect your true power (50:00)
Heart Chakra: open your heart to give and receive love freely (56:44)
Throat Chakra: communicate and express yourself with ease (46:44)
Third Eye Chakra: tune in to your intuition (53:57)
Crown Chakra: connect with your highest self (46:51)
Guided Meditations & Visualisations
Guided yoga nidra meditation (80:59)
A guided relaxation including breath awareness, rotation of consciousness around the body, working with opposite sensations and image visualisations (55:39)
A guided meditation focussing on gratitude
A guided meditation focussed on generous and selfless love and kindness towards ourselves and others (50:52)
A guided meditation to give you the space to lay in appreciation of the beauty of the present moment (50:00)
A guided meditation to help you find the positive, powerful energy and strength that lies within you (50:10)
Breathing Exercises
A breathing exercise known as square breath where we include breath retention (9:42)
A breathing exercise focussed on slowing down the breath and extending the exhale (7:39)
A simple breathing exercise counting the breath for a count of 4 to help bring feelings of calmness in to your mind (6:28)
Teach online with
A beautiful heart opening yoga practice to help cultivate self love
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